Winter Parliament session from November 9 to December 13

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The Hindu

NEW DELHI, 19 October 2010: The winter session of Parliament will begin on November 9 and conclude on December 13. A day before the start of the session, United States President Barack Obama will address a joint sitting of the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha in the Central Hall of Parliament.


The last visit to India by an American President was in 2006. But George Bush could not address Parliament, as several parties, including the Left, were strongly opposed to it. The Left was in a position to call the shots as it was a supporting party at the Centre.


Earlier, Bill Clinton, during his visit in 2000, addressed a joint sitting of Parliament. And he was followed by the then Russian President Vladimir Putin. With the winter session dates finalised, Speaker Meira Kumar has called a meeting of party leaders on October 20 to elicit their views on the agenda for the session.



The winter session is expected to see parties raising the issue of corruption in the conduct of the Commonwealth Games, though the government has appointed the high-level Shunglu committee that will report to the Prime Minister.


Several important bills are pending. They include those related to land acquisition, judges’ accountability and the recently suggested share for local population in grant of mining leases. Legislation necessary to introduce the already delayed Goods and Services Tax (GST) will depend on Chief Ministers arriving at some consensus on the subject.



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