Govt to send a letter on blackmoney to Ramdev

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New Delhi, 05 June 2011: The government will soon send a letter to Baba Ramdev clarifying to the yoga guru about its intent to bring a legislation on black money. Sources said they were preparing a letter in this regard and will be sent soon. The government on Friday in a written response to the demands of Ramdev had said that the government has constituted a committee to suggest measures to strengthen steps taken to check the menace of black money.


Ramdev, however, wanted a categorical assurance that government will bring in a law in this regard and not rest with merely constituting a committee.


HRD Minister Sibal told a press conference that the setting up of the committee was, in fact, part of the process to enact a law. He said that since Ramdev raised apprehensions about it and demanded a written assurance about enacting the law, the government will write to him in this regard.



Government sources said Ramdev has little room to extend his agitation since he has promised that once he receives the written assurance, he will call off the agitation.


Sources said one of the ministers had told Ramdev that it was question of the yoga guru’s credibility as they had informed the Prime Minister and Finance Minister about the commitment given by him to call off the strike.


"We were also under pressure that he should fulfill his commitment," a senior minister said. "Government understands that Ramdev has created a build up and he also needs some space to work out his arrangements. We will somehow inform him that we have sent the letter," the minister said.



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