Eat mangoes to lose weight

By Dibyajyoti Chaudhuri

14 July 2011: The summer might be a good time to lose some weight and the king of fruits, mango, helps in losing weight. Interested in going for the lean look?



Head for some fresh mangoes, for the fruit is packed with nutrients and is full of fibre. Experts say that mangoes are fleshy and a snack of fresh mangoes is usually helpful in keeping one full. "Mangoes have a high content of beta carotene and rank among the top providers of beta carotene. However they are also a great source of nutrients in the concentrated form. In order to reduce the consumption of calories, mangoes are a very good choice," said an expert. Beta carotene is also known to reduce the risk of certain forms of cancer.


To get the right amount of nutrition not too many mangoes need to be consumed. A single fruit is capable of providing of almost a day’s supply of Vitamin C to the body. It also helps in making bones stronger since it contains minerals, calcium and magnesium as well as B vitamins. They are also rich in a carotenoid called lycopene, which is an effective antioxidant. In order to lose weight, mangoes can form an important part of the diet however it has to be coupled with other fruits and a complete meal, only after consultation with a nutritionist. Not only losing weight, daily consumption of mangoes make the skin complexion brighter and makes skin softer.



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