Offbeat (30): Is it end-game for work-from-home?
Offbeat (30): Is it end-game for work-from-home?

In this cryptic statement did Frost anticipate work-at home culture his country popularized in this internet age. The flexible work-at-home system had many things going for it. First of all, it eliminated the bother, time and expense involved in commuting from home and back.

Offbeat (28): Is death penalty outdated?
Offbeat (28): Is death penalty outdated?

In the wake of the hanging of Afzal Guru of terrorist attack on Parliament fame on February 8, 2013 and of Ajmal Kasab, the only survivor of the of the perpetrators of 26/11 terrorist attack on Mumbai targets last year, and the call for hanging of the gang rapists of Delhi, the death penalty as

Offbeat (27): Rent a womb or adopt?
Offbeat (27): Rent a womb or adopt?

News about Russians passing a law prohibiting Americans from adopting Russian kids and the opposition this has evoked has brought into fresh focus the debate on adoption and the emerging practice of renting a womb. First some dated facts. Jon Huntsman, Governor of Utah, USA, and his

Offbeat (25): Should sex be bartered for tuition fees?
Offbeat (25): Should sex be bartered for tuition fees?

Marriage is for woman the commonest mode of livelihood, and the total amount of undesired sex endured by women is probably greater in marriage than in prostitution. – Bertrand Russel in Marriage and Morals.Since Russel’s times, sex has many gradations between marriage and prostitution.

Offbeat(24): The blessings and curses of mobiles
Offbeat(24): The blessings and curses of mobiles

The blessings and curses of the printing press is either the greatest blessing or the greatest curse of modern times; one sometimes forgets which. – James Mathew Barrie, Scottish author and dramatist, best remembered as the creator of Peter Pan(1860-1937). Technology can be used or abused;

Offbeat (23): Should we abuse technology?
Offbeat (23): Should we abuse technology?

So good things may be abused, and that which was first invented to refresh man’s weary spirits. – Robert Burton, English writer, philosopher and humorist (1576-1640).It is not clear which invention Burton was alluding to. But, let us take alcohol, for instance, which could refresh man’s weary

Offbeat (22): Are we into Police Goondagiri Raj?
Offbeat (22): Are we into Police Goondagiri Raj?

Contrast this with the latter-day anonymous epigram that defines policeman as “Never-present help in time of trouble. Even more recently police have carved out a role for themselves – a parallel government of their own, popularly dubbed police goondagiri raj, adding up to a law...

Offbeat (21): Good deeds save Rajat Gupta from Harsh Sentence
Offbeat (21): Good deeds save Rajat Gupta from Harsh Sentence

Good deeds have consequences beyond punya earned for reward after death. It can also earn you rewards here and now as demonstrated ie District of New York, Judge Jed S. Rakoff in the case United States of America V Rajat K Gupta, Defendent.

Offbeat (20): Technology adds new terms for Divorce
Offbeat (20): Technology adds new terms for Divorce

It does not end with inquest, specially when children are involved. In such cases two prominent components of divorce settlement are the custody of the children and visiting rights of those parents not granted custody. Such visiting meant physical visits of the place and duration

Offbeat (17): Divorce wears many faces!
Offbeat (17): Divorce wears many faces!

In this modern world of Women’s emancipation and claims of equality of sexes, Bacon’s idea may well hold true for the wife as well. That is why both take the initiative to head for the family court seeking divorce. The wife may resist the divorce for fear of missing the good life or not able to

Offbeat (16): Should Retired Judges be Fossils?
Offbeat (16): Should Retired Judges be Fossils?

The Constitution and various laws must be amended to prevent judges of the Supreme Court and the High Courts from taking up post- retirement jobs, say legal experts. A couple of days ago, Leader of the Opposition in the Rajya Sabha Arun Jaitley suggested an embargo on

Offbeat (15)- Should Karibasamma Die?
Offbeat (15)- Should Karibasamma Die?

H B Karibasamma is hopeful that India will make euthanasia legal, like in some countries in the West. The 73-year-old retired primary school teacher who has been suffering from various health problems for the past 14 years had written to the President and Prime Minister

Offbeat (14): Are we happier as we age?
Offbeat (14): Are we happier as we age?

Former Mr. Universe, Manohar Aich, who turned 100 on March 18, 2012 said in Kolkota that happiness and life without tension are the key to his longevity. The 150 cm tall (or short?) won the Mr. Universe body-building title and 1952 and has been dubbed “Pocket Hercules”. His sound-bites

Offbeat (13): Trauma at Crossroads
Offbeat (13): Trauma at Crossroads

In the 1970s, when I walked from Colaba to my office in Ballard Estate, in Mumbai, I used to observe a lady in her thirties leading her son, in his early teens, by the hand along Colaba Causeway to his school at Convent Street. I knew that the lady had lost her young husband when the boy was

Offbeat (12): Doctors prescribed legible scribbling!
Offbeat (12): Doctors prescribed legible scribbling!

A doctor’s fiancĂ©e goes to a chemist to get the doctor’s love note deciphered. This is a standing joke on the illegible handwriting of doctors. But can you understand your doctor’s scrawl? The answer would be no from most. It could soon be a thing of the past if one goes by the

Offbeat (11): Sparrows and lizards were my Adhivasis!
Offbeat (11): Sparrows and lizards were my Adhivasis!

According to a report from Delhi, on August 14, 2012, the humble sparrow was conferred the status of Delhi’s State Bird. The decision was announced at a function to inaugurate the “Rise for the Sparrows” campaign aimed at saving the tiny, endangered bird, said Nature Forever

Offbeat (10): Degraded Ecology Leads To Wildlife Decline
Offbeat (10): Degraded Ecology Leads To Wildlife Decline

When a man wants to murder a tiger he calls it sport; when a tiger wants to murder him he calls it ferocity. – George Bernard Shaw. According to a report by Muralidhara Khajane in The Hindu (17-8-12), much against the wishes of the Karnataka State government,

Offbeat (08): Puppy Love Needs Selectivity
Offbeat (08): Puppy Love Needs Selectivity

On August 2, 2012, at 3 PM, as we foursome were playing post-siesta card game, Simple, the pregnant pup, suddenly delivered what looked like a dark, wet cricket ball under the table where we spread out our cards and where she routinely curls up while we play.

Offbeat (07): Cats Fill Empty Nests
Offbeat (07): Cats Fill Empty Nests

Cats may be nuisance at night when they scream loudly to mark their mating with the roaming Romeo which services many cats in a single night because the ratio of tom cats to female cats could be one to nine. That is not because cats have nine lives instead of one as noted in

Off Beat (05): Why Not Surrender Irritants for Harmony?
Off Beat (05): Why Not Surrender Irritants for Harmony?

What applies to nation states applies equally to entities within the state such as religious and linguistic communities and, as in India, the states within the Union which constantly fight over boundaries and natural resources like river water. Every riot or conflict over these ends with

Off beat! (04): Should Debates Decide Rulers?
Off beat! (04): Should Debates Decide Rulers?

Presidential candidate Sangma has been challenging his rival presidential candidates do through a series of TV debates. Of course, Sangma knows that the numbers are against him and has also raised the bogey of ‘office of profit’ – in this case, Pranab’s chairmanship of Indian Statistical Institute

Off beat! (03): Should Kids Beget Kids?
Off beat! (03): Should Kids Beget Kids?

The mother said to her daughter, “Daughter, bid thy daughter to tell her daughter, that her daughter’s daughter hath a daughter. – George Hakewill, English theologian and writer (1578-1649. In India the problems with daughters is of a different kind: how to eliminate them? Abortion of female

Off Beat! (02): Coping with unhappy choices
Off Beat! (02): Coping with unhappy choices

Since John Gay’s time, there is an increasing public perception that doctors have progressively deteriorated into money-minting machines sans soul or emotions. There are exceptions, of course. One of them, of Indian origin and now settled in USA, is Dr. James Abraham, MD, FACP..

Off Beat! (01): Is India drowning in its own
Off Beat! (01): Is India drowning in its own

I was in Hong Kong last year. I was searching for a public toilet that was on the map. However, when I went there, I was unable to see the toilet. There seemed to be no toilets there. I knew the toilet was there somehow, because the Food & Environment Department listed it

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