Lokpal panel meetings a waste of time: Anna

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New Delhi, 17 June 2011: The rift within the Lokpal Bill draft committee continues to widen. The civil society and the government representatives who form the committee may have agreed to disagree but on Thursday the claws came out.

Anna Hazare has accused the government of trying to bring a toothless Lokpal and said he will begin a second fast at Jantar Mantar from August 16.

Responding to Anna Hazare, Union Minister Kapil Sibal said the threats won’t work during negotiations.

The government also promised to prepare a draft bill by the end of June.

Meanwhile, speaking to CNN-IBN, Anna Hazare on Friday called the committee meetings a waste of time.

"Even earlier there were two drafts, then what was the need for this joint committee. It was a waste of time then. I will attend the June 20 meeting. Let’s see what they say in the last two meetings. They’ll follow their path, we’ll follow ours. When they are doing injustice to the nation, we’ll follow our path," said Anna.



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