Karunanidhi to meet Kanimozhi in Tihar today

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New Delhi, 23 May 2011: DMK chief M Karunanidhi is due to arrive in New Delhi on Monday to meet his daughter Kanimozhi who is currently in Tihar Jail.

Kanimozhi was sent to jail last week for her alleged involvement in the 2G case.

Karunanidhi on Saturday had spoken out in her defence calling her arrest illegal. He also said the DMK was the victim of vendetta politics. He will be accompanied by his son M K Stalin. Reports indicate Karunanidhi may also meet Congress President Sonia Gandhi.

Karunanidhi and Stalin will arrive on Monday morning and are likely to leave on Monday evening itself.

Meanwhile, UPA ally DMK also attended Sunday’s dinner hosted by the PM after much speculation. A token attendance meant to convey that the alliance is intact even after the defeat in the Tamil Nadu polls and the 2G case.



Congress President Sonia Gandhi on Sunday night went out of the way to keep a sulking DMK in good humour with TR Baalu, party’s lone representative at the second anniversary celebrations of UPA-II, seated next to her.

Baalu was on the dais next to Gandhi and at the dinner table too later.

The DMK, which is the third largest constituent of the UPA after Congress and Trinamool Congress, is cut up over the arrest of party MP Kanimozhi, who is the daughter of party supremo M Karunanidhi, in the 2G scam.



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