Bantwala: On 24th November 2024, the Young Catholic Students (YCS) of St. John’s Deanery, Bantwal, organized UNIFICA 2024 at the Anugraha Tri-Centenary Hall in Modankap. The event began at 1:15 pm and featured three exciting competitions—Quiz, Group Singing, and Skit. A total of 10 YCS units from Bantwal Deanery enthusiastically participated in the competitions.
The valedictory program was presided over by Rev. Fr. Valerian D’Souza, Parish Priest of Infant Jesus Church, Modankap. Other dignitaries included Fr. Melwyn Lobo, Headmaster of Infant Jesus English School, Modankap; Fr. Lancy D’Souza, Director of YCS Bantwal Deanery; Mrs. Reshma D’Souza, Animator of YCS Bantwal Deanery; and Mrs. Anitha Lobo, Animator of the YCS Modankap Unit.
Mrs. Janet Pinto (YCS Diocesan Coordinator) from Gurpur and Ms. Melvita D’Souza from Cordel served as the judges for the event.