Udupi, 07 Apr 2023: Good Friday, commemorating the passion and crucifixion of Jesus Christ and His death at Calvary was observed with great devotion by huge faithful devotees at Milagres Cathedral, Kallianpur of Udupi Diocese on Friday, April 7, 2023.
In the morning at 9am, “Way of the Cross” was conducted at Milagres Cathedral. The 14 stations of Christ’s Journey to Mount Calvary from Roman Governor Pilate’s palace were re-enacted to each station singing hymns as the story of betrayal, arrest, trial and crucifixion of Christ was narrated by Rector Very Rev Fr. Valerian Mendonca and Asst. parish priest Rev Fr. Joy Andrade.
In the evening from 4pm, the Good Friday service and liturgy began with most devotion and gaiety which is divided into four parts. The first part consisted of the reading from Scriptures including the Passion of the Lord according to the Gospel of St. John, Prayers for intentions of the Church, Veneration of the Cross and Holy Communion.
At the outset, Bishop of Udupi Diocese Most Rev Dr. Gerald Isaac Lobo, Very Rev Fr. Valerian Mendonca, Rector of the Cathedral, Rev Fr. Joy Andrade, Asst. parish priest, Very Rev Fr. Denzil Martin Superior and Vocational Promoter of Pilar Fathers and Rev Fr. Nithesh D’Souza, Vocational Director of Pilar Fathers came in procession at the start of the liturgy and prostrated in front of the bare altar for a minute.
In his Good Friday homily, Fr. Joy Andrade pointed out the significance of Holy Cross and its importance. The Cross is something important. We should truly believe that Cross should mean life and not just death, hope and not just fear and engagement and not withdrawal. Cross is the sign of hope and Cross is sign of Love and is ladder to heaven.
He said, Cross is the sign of salvation and it is the strong tool for love. Cross is the mystery. Cross is the sign of forgiveness and it is giving meaning during difficulties. It is also a sign of blessing. Cross is the sign of God and Cruelty. The cross is a sign of God’s love for humankind; it is a symbol of the power of God who made himself sin to heal us. Salvation comes only from the cross, from this cross where God was made flesh. There is no salvation in ideas; there is no salvation in good will, in wanting to be good, he said.
The Cross is a great contradiction. Death and life, hate and love, violence and peace, accusation and forgiveness, sin and purity, brokenness and wholeness, all is lost yet everything is gained, destruction and restoration, defeat and victory. Once the cruelest form of execution, yet now it is a symbol of abundant life. The Cross is willful humility. Christ’s death was an act of his will. Jesus came to the conclusion to die for humanity as a human. He willed his flesh, mind and emotions to die on the Cross. Jesus could chose to live as he pleased, but he chose to give his life for our sake as sinners, he said.
Soon after the homily, Bishop Gerald and Fr. Valerian recited prayers for the various intentions of the Church. The General intercessions conclude the Liturgy of the Word. The term intercessions cover these areas are: For the Church, For the Pope, For the Clergy and laity of the Church, For those preparing for Baptism, For the unity of Christians, For the Jewish people, For those who do not believe in Christ, For those who do not believe in God, For all in public office and for those in special need.
As the third part of the Good Friday, Fr. Nithesh D’Souza brought the shrouded Crucifix to the main altar of the Cathedral where the Bishop unveiled it in three phases and paid respect through kneeling and kissing in hand the Crucifix. This was followed by paying respect to the Crucifix by the priests and huge faithful devotees.
As the last part of the Good Friday service, Holy Communion was distributed by the Bishop, four priests and seven laymen. Good Friday is an important event in the Christianity which represents the sacrifices and suffering of Jesus’ life. The crucifixion was the culmination of a number of events in the Holy Week including Jesus’ triumphal return to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, Jesus washing his disciples’ feet and Jesus’ last supper on Maundy Thursday.
At the end of liturgical services of Good Friday, Fr. Valerian Mendonca gave gratitude to the concerned Bishop and others. This year also the solemn procession with the statue of Jesus around Cathedral campus used to be not held.
Christians all over the world observed during the Holy Week as part of the Paschal Tridum on Friday preceding Easter Sunday. The feast of resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday which Easter Vigil begins on Saturday at 7pm onwards at Milagres Cathedral, Kallianpur.