Udupi Diocese organizes Christmas Get-together of Media Persons
By Dr. Eugene DSouza
Bellevision Media Network
Udupi, 19 December 2024: As in previous years, Bishop Gerald Isaac Lobo organized the annual Christmas get-together of the media persons on Thursday, 19 December 2024 at 12 noon in the Ave Maria Hall, Mother of Sorrows Church, Udupi.
The Christmas Media Persons get-together programme was presided over by Rt. Rev. Hemachandra Kumar, Bishop, CSI, Karnataka Southern Diocese. Dr. Chandrashekar, Senior Physician, Director of Adarsh Hospital, Udupi was the chief guest. Guests of Honour included: B. Manjunath-Information and Broadcasting Officer, Udupi District, Rajesh Shetty-President, Udupi District Working Journalists’ Association, Ankit Shetty-Co-convener, Patrika Bhavan Udupi. Other dignitaries on the dais were: Most Rev. Dr. Gerald Isaac Lobo-Bishop of Udupi Diocese, Rev. Msgr. Ferdinand Gonsalves-Vicar General of the Udupi Diocese, Rev. Fr. Charles Menezes-Parish Priest of Mother of Sorrows Church, Udupi and Dean of Udupi Deanery, Rev. Fr. Denis D’Sa-PRO of Udupi Diocese and Michael Rodrigues-Media Coordinator, Udupi Diocese.
Following the prayer and welcome address by Bishop Gerald Isaac Lobo, the Christmas Get-together of Media Persons was inaugurated by the dignitaries cutting the Christmas cake and distributing the slices of cake to the audience.
Delivering the Christmas Message, Dr. Chandrashekar said that he was happy to be part of the Christmas Get-together of the Media persons organized by the Udupi Diocese under the leadership of Bishop Gerald Isaac Lobo. He expressed his views on certain important issues that are relevant in today’s India. He said that development of skills is an important aspect of attaining perfection in anyone’s profession. Eradication of corruption should be taken up seriously by everyone by pledging not to give or take bribe. As a reputed doctor he pointed out that obesity which is being found among 15 to 20 crores of Indians is the ‘Father of Metabolic Diseases’. He stressed on balanced diet and exercise to reduce obesity and have healthy life style. Finally, Dr. Chandrashekar emphasised on the need of spreading harmony and brotherhood among all the communities irrespective of their religious beliefs or other differences. He said that harmony and understanding should be inculcated within the family and spread across the neighbourhood and communities so that there would be peace and progress in the country.
On this occasion Rajesh Shetty-President, Udupi District Working Journalists’ Association and Umesh Marpalli-Treasurer were honoured as representatives of the Udupi District Journalists Association which was conferred with Karnataka Rajyotsava Prashasthi on 01 November 2024.
B. Manjunath-Information and Broadcasting Officer, Udupi District in his address said that all religions have their own scriptures which preach brotherhood and good values. However, some religious fanatics spread hatred for their own selfish motives which harm the peaceful fabric of the society.
Michael Rodrigues-Media Coordinator of the Udupi Diocese was felicitated for being nominated as the representative of Udupi Diocese in the Thin-tank group of the Bangalore Archdiocese.
Rajesh Shetty-President, Udupi District Working Journalists’ Association in hi message lauded the great service that is being rendered by the Christian community in various fields such as education and health care. He specially mentioned the selfless service of the nuns to the terminally ill patients at the Goretti Hospital, Kallianpir. He further said that there has been cordial relationship between the journalists and the Udupi Diocese. In the side-line he made an appeal to Dr. Chandrashekar to provided treatment to the needy journalists on reasonable terms.
Responding to the appeal of Rajesh Shetty, Dr. Chandrashekar towards the end of the programme assured him that all journalists and their family members will be given an opportunity to have free medical check-up once a year.
Delivering his Christmas Message, Rt. Rev. Hemachandra Kumar, Bishop, CSI, Karnataka Southern Diocese appreciated the contribution of Bishop Gerald Isaac Lobo to the progress of the Udupi Diocese. Addressing the media persons, Bishop Hemachandra Kumar said that media plays an important role in shaping the opinion and views of the society. He said that media is like the ‘brain’ which influences the society in variety of ways. He further said that Christmas is the symbol of brotherhood in the society. One message that runs through the Christmas is that of ‘Do not be afraid’. The reason for the birth of Jesus was to do good to people in all respects. Christmas teaches us the value of sharing.
Michael Rodrigues proposed the vote of thanks and Rev. Fr. Denis D’Sa compered the programme. Rev. Fr. Charles Menezes had made good arrangements for the Udupi Diocesan Christmas Media Persons Get-together.
Rev. Fr. Roshan D’Souza-Chancellor of the Udupi Diocese, Rev. Fr. Alwyn Sequeira-Editor of Udupi Diocesan Fortnightly “Uzwaad” and Rev. Fr. Vincent Martis-Retire priest were present.
Bishop Gerald Isaac Lobo distributed boxess of cake to all the media persons as a atoken of his apprecaition of the service rendered by the journalists and conveying Christmas and New year Greetings.
The programme concluded with suptuous lunch.