Christmas: Tradition and Celebration

Christmas: Tradition and Celebration

Christmas is a universal feast celebrated across the globe. The guests are welcomed, goodies are shared all that goes with Christmas celebration. It varies from regions depending on diverse culture and ethnicity. The Santa Claus is legendary in Christmas celebration, who brings goodies to distribute among the kids in the neighbourhood. Santa Claus is known in different names in France and Italy.[By Rons Bantwal]

Dubai : Hipesh, Shewta crowned Baila King and Queen

Dubai : Hipesh, Shewta crowned Baila King and Queen

Mogachi Lahran, a troupe promoting Konkani language, music and culture in Dubai on Friday December 13 presented Naach Baila Naach contest along with Konkani Laughter Challenge at Al Safa hall, next to JSS School, Dubai. Though six teams had qualified for the finals, only four teams turned up, disappointing the organisers and the audience at the last moment. Laughter Challenge, which failed to keep up to the audience expectation was nevertheless appreciated for the spirit shown by the participants.

Decline of Kannada Medium Schools: Is It because of English Craze..?

Decline of Kannada Medium Schools: Is It because of English Craze..?

School is the basic unit organization of formal education system. To build creative, disciplined and dynamic leaders of tomorrow who will lead others by example and be active global citizens contributing richly to our society, nation and the world. The school believes in bringing an overall personality change in students thus providing our great nation a perfect citizen to safeguard human values and lead the world to strive for excellence in forms of knowledge, humanity and make our country a better place to live with the blessings of nature. [By Francis Saldanha]

Dubai: Bunts Dubai wins Throwball Championship While Youngsters Nakre lift Volleyball Trophy at BV Tourney

Dubai: Bunts Dubai wins Throwball Championship While Youngsters Nakre lift Volleyball Trophy at BV Tourney

As expected Bunts Dubai won both gents & ladies BV Throwball Championship beating Konkans Dubai in a closely contested Matches while Youngsters Nakre showed their supremacy on Ace Spikers and lift the prestigious Volley Ball Trophy held at Wanderers Club Sharjah on 29th November 2013. The much awaited tournament began with introduction of special guests Mr. Harsha RJ and he welcomed all the guests, sponsors and teams.. [Video]

Udupi: Upadhyaya Moodubelle - An accomplished Artist and Winner of Best Teacher National Award

Udupi: Upadhyaya Moodubelle - An accomplished Artist and Winner of Best Teacher National Award

In the year that the Church Aided Higher Primary School, Moodubelle celebrates its centenary, one of its alumni, Radhakrishna Upadhyaya Moodubelle, the renowned Drawing Teacher of Government Composite High School Volakadu, Udupi was conferred with the ā€œBest Teacher National Award-2012ā€ by the President of India on the occasion of the Teachers Day on 5 September 2013ā€˜. This award has come as the gift to the school which had its humble beginning in 1913

Udupi: Year of Faith Concludes with Solemn Mass and Devout Eucharistic Procession

Udupi: Year of Faith Concludes with Solemn Mass and Devout Eucharistic Procession

In a befitting finale, the ā€œYear of Faithā€ that was inaugurated on 11 October 2012 by the former Pope Benedict XVI with his Apostolic Letter ā€œPorta Fideiā€, concluded on Sunday, 24 November 2013, the Feast of Christ the King. 11 October 2012, the first day of the Year of Faith, was the fiftieth anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council(Vatican II) and also the twentieth anniversary of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. During the Year of Faith, Catholics were asked to study and reflect on the documents of Vatican II and the catechism so that they may deepen their knowledge of the faith.

Mystic Cloistered Carmel Nun In Mangalore

Mystic Cloistered Carmel Nun In Mangalore

Christianity came to our Southern Coast of India soon after the death of Christ about 55 AD, much before it went to Europe. The Konkan and Kerala areas are rich in cultural and natural resources and devout people of all faiths,reputed for itā€™s harmony.The historical mosaic of cultures, languages and beliefs are in step with the human lives. The traditions point to a strong educational base and delicate life style. India since ancient times has been saturated with sages and saints..[By Ivan Saldanha-Shet]

A Jughead travels round the world in six months

A Jughead travels round the world in six months

Julie and I are married for thirty-four years. It took that many years to start a family, raise the kids and let go of them. Dekhtedekhte, my hair turned grey (not to mention my mustache). I turned sixty, sufficient reason to retire and take sanyas from Qatar. A month into retirement, spent mainly in brooding over what to do with our lives, it dawned on us that we must do things that we always wanted to do but had not done. [By Philip Mudartha]

Dubai: Bellevision Volleyball, Throw ball Tournament rescheduled to Nov 29

Dubai: Bellevision Volleyball, Throw ball Tournament rescheduled to Nov 29

ā€˜Bellevision Tourney -2013ā€™ a sport event of Bellevision in association with Konkans Dubai which was scheduled earlier to be held on 2nd Dec, 2013 is rescheduled to 29th November, 2013. The event, a throw ball and volleyball tournament will be held at Sharjah Wanderers Spots Club Grounds on Friday November 29, 2013 in association with Konkans Dubai.

Udupi: State Level Girls NSS Camp Concludes  With Great Success

Udupi: State Level Girls NSS Camp Concludes With Great Success

The seven-days long prestigious State Level Girls NSS Camp of Pre-University Colleges with 238 volunteers that had started in St. Lawrence PU College, Moodubelle on 5 November 2013, concluded on the note of unprecedented success on Monday, 11 November 2013. A grand valedictory function was held at 10.15 am which was presided over by Rev. Fr. Wilson V. Dā€™Souza, Secretary of Catholic Board of Education, Mangalore. Other dignitaries on the dais..

Udupi: State Level Girls NSS Camp Inaugurated in St. Lawrence PU College, Moodubelle

Udupi: State Level Girls NSS Camp Inaugurated in St. Lawrence PU College, Moodubelle

In a glittering ceremony attended by state Ministers and religious heads and School teachers, the grand inauguration of State Level N.S.S. Special camp took place at St. Lawrence P.U. College ground attended by more than 300 N.S.S. girls students from all the state.The State Level N.S.S Camp is being organized by St. Lawrence P.U. College, Moodubelle starting from 5th November to 11th November 2013. The grand opening ceremony was attended by Bishop of Udupi

Mangalore: Fr.Odoric Devanand - The Snake ā€™GURUā€™

Mangalore: Fr.Odoric Devanand - The Snake ā€™GURUā€™

Services of Catholic priests in rare spheres abound the world over. Here in Kanara one can come across rare doings, one such is a simple, serene and humble Capuchin Franciscan, very fitted to his dedication in the mould of St.Francis of Assisi the legendary Saint.It was merely a chance and a compassionate naturalist, Charles Paul of Mission compound Mangalore, that brought on my curiosity and search - the casual remark that a ā€™Monkā€™ was the earliest person to guide and channel his interests in wild life, the name surprised me since I was familiar with this monk ā€™brotherā€™ in the 1950-60s..[By Ivan Saldanha-Shet]

Wonders of Europe-10: The Eternal City of Rome-Journey through Roman History and Holy Vatican City

Wonders of Europe-10: The Eternal City of Rome-Journey through Roman History and Holy Vatican City

Waking up early in the morning and looking forward for an exciting journey through the eternal city of Rome regarded as one of the worldā€™s most beautiful ancient cities that contains vast amounts of priceless works of art palaces, museums, parks , churches, gardens, basilicas, temples, villas, piazzas, theatres, and other spots of tourist interest we packed our belongings, had a sumptuous breakfast and boarded the bus and headed towards Rome. We covered 136 kilometers of journey from Perugia where we had halted for the night to Rome in around two and half hours.[By Dr. Eugene DSouza]

Dubai:  Mangalore Konkans celebrates silver Jubilee with magical musical show

Dubai: Mangalore Konkans celebrates silver Jubilee with magical musical show

A leading Konkani association of Dubai Mangalore Konkans celebrated its silver jubilee with a mega musical show amidst prominent personalities: Indian Ambassador to UAE M K Lokesh, Mangalore south MLA J R Lobo, entrepreneur and philanthropist Ronald Colaco and New Medical Centre Group managing director B R Shetty. The event titled, ā€˜Celebrations 25ā€™ was organized at Crown Plaza, Sheikh Zayed Road, here on Friday October 25. MLA J R Lobo was the chief guest of the mega celebrations. Indian Ambassador M K Lokesh graced the silver jubilee celebrations.Mangalore Konkans Dubai.. [Video]

Wonders of Europe-Part 9: In the Shadow of the Leaning Tower of Pisa and Glimpses of Florence

Wonders of Europe-Part 9: In the Shadow of the Leaning Tower of Pisa and Glimpses of Florence

On 22 July 2013, the two important Italian tourist centers that were included in our ā€˜Wonders of Europeā€™ tour list were Pisa, famous for the so called ā€˜Leaning Tower of Pisaā€™ and Florence known as the city that gave birth to ā€˜Renaissanceā€™ in Italy. We left Tulip Inn quite early in the morning as we had to traverse considerable distance between Padua and Pisa. We had to reach Pisa for lunch and later view the historical complex of the Piazza del Duomo (Cathedral Square) where the Leaning Tower of Pisa is situated and next proceed to Florence.[By Dr. Eugene DSouza]

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